Тест с ответами по теме: «Местоимения this, these, that, those»

1. I don’t understand why dad left us and what he was thinking in ___________________ moments.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

2. I think I buy ___________________ shoes I tried on before, these ones are too ordinary.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

3. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ blouse
а) this+
b) these

4. I will make sure ___________________ you have everything you need.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

5. Who were ___________________ two people who left your house in the morning?
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

6. Wow, you look amazing, ___________________ dress really suits you.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

7. Where did you spend all ___________________ years?
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

8. What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and ___________________ one is too big.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

9. ___________________ narrow windows helped to defend the castle.
a) This
b) That
c) These+
d) Those

10. I have teddy-bears from all over the world. ___________________ one in my hands is from Russia.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

11. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ shorts
а) this
b) these +

12. My grandmother still remembers her youth and everything that happened in ___________________ times.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

13. I’ve been in Africa but it was to hard to work under ___________________ weather conditions.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

14. ___________________ problems we had 3 years ago are nothing in comparison with this problem.
a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those+

15. The only things that interested me back then were ___________________ connected with fun.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

16. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ dress
а) this+
b) these

17. We had a very strong basketball team last year, we won 15 matches in ___________________ season.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

18. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ trainers
а) this
b) these +

19. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ hat
а) this+
b) these

20. Hey Liana, where are you going to spend your vacation ___________________ year?
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

21. Who is _______ ?
а) this+
b) these

22. Is _______ family big?
а) this+
b) these

23. Chimera (or ghost fish): _______ species is found in coastal waters around the Pacific Ocean.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

24. We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ___________________ is an adaptation of Somerset Maugham`s novel.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

25. What colour are _______ balls?
а) that
b) those+

26. Roads, crime and poverty — ___________________ problems are relevant for any city.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

27. I liked Madrid, I still remember ___________________ narrow streets where I got lost one time.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

28. _______ boy is my brother.
а) that+
b) those

29. Where is _______ swimmer from?
а) this+
b) these

30. I remember how I crashed my wife’s car last year. We were close to a divorce in ___________________ days.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

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